Liverpool Anchorage Club

For a number of years, the Club has met up with our friends of the Liverpool Anchorage Club. This club share similar interests to ours and it is great to meet with these guys and of course ‘put the world to rights’

Initially we would alternately travel to Liverpool and they to South Shields respectively to meet up. However, in recent years, with the restriction of driving hours of the coach drivers, we have met at a convenient equidistant place of interest. This has proved to be popular.

 eden trip

One thought on “Liverpool Anchorage Club

  1. Dear Sir / Madam,
    I wonder if you can help, I’m trying to find some information about my great Uncle. According to my grandfather (deceased) he was an engineer on the Thetis when it went down, according to him he had swapped shifts with someone and it was never recorded. His last name was Phillip’s that’s all I have to go on as my grandfather had 5 brothers, all of which he was estranged from, hence the mystery. Any help or information you could give would be greatly appreciated.
    Kindest regards
    Adam Kennard

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