Finished with Engines

By Freddie Waters

The last in the series of Freddie’s most interesting presentations looking at the great number of Shipwrecks around the north east coast of England.


Another first class presentation enjoyed by an almost full house! – in “Finished with Engines”, Freddie also high-lighted a number of famous names of merchant and naval ships that ended up at the ship-breaking yards on the Tyne.

A most interesting evening. 

JKA – Chair/Webmaster

North East Shipwrecks (Part 2)

North East Shipwrecks part two..

Freddie Waters Continues his interesting presentation reviewing prominent shipwrecks off the north east coast.

Once again another great presentation from Freddie.  The Northeast coast has seen more shipwrecks over the years than any other sea area of the United Kingdom.

A really good turnout and well enjoyed by everyone.

JKA – Chair/Webmaster

“Fame and Ashanti”

Fame and Ashanti

Freddie Waters – We welcome back Freddie, this time he is to give us his update/continuation of this fascinating true story.


An excellent account of the grounding and amazing recovery of these two destroyers H.M. Fame and H.M. Ashanti at Whitburn Steele, Sunderland in October 1940. The presentation was followed by some questions and answers.